Welcome to Bedford 2020!

Well, the first day of school is only hours away!  Bedford is ready!  Our teachers have been working tirelessly to get ready for our face to face and virtual learners!  Please be patient!  While we are trying to make this a seamless and easy process for students and families, I am sure we will encounter a few bumps in the road.  With your help and patience, we will work through these little obstacles so your child can have a successful learning experience.  Face to face learners look for the yellow grade level lawn signs to stand by on the first day.  Virtual learners please wait for an email or phone call from your child's teacher with your Seesaw class code.  ALL BEDFORD FAMILIES NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE SEESAW APP to communicate this year.  We look forward to watching your child grow this year.  Let's make this our most successful and safe school year ever!